Our Services

We diagnose, understand, design, develop and implement the improvements needed. We make change happen, generating significant results for your company.
Ideas That Work

A vision to
Grow better

Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection

Our examination and reports with recommendations regarding your organisation makes it easier for you from a control perspective to improve your organisation and profitability by identifying fraudulent issues carried out by who, what, why, where, when and how.

Risk Management (ISO 31000)

Identifying which risks fit within the organisation’s risk appetite and which require additional controls and actions before they are acceptable. Thereby minimizing the impact on the company’s performance.

Business Continuity Management (ISO 22301)

Reviewing your organization from a Business Continuity Management perspective to identify any shortcomings regarding business continuity due to any disaster or major disruption. Deliver a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) to ensure that your organization can maintain essential functions.

Compliance Management (ISO 19600)

Review, identify and report any issues regarding compliance with industry and security, as well as corporate and regulatory policies and requirements. We will monitor and assess your systems to ensure they comply with industry and security standards

Information Systems Auditing (CISA)

Evaluate your systems and processes currently in place that work to secure company data. Determine if there are potential risks to the company’s information assets and recommend ways to minimize those risks thus verifying the reliability and integrity of information.

Credit Management

Review, evaluate and make recommendations regarding your Credit Management policies, procedures and systems thus ensuring credit to customers are adequately managed and also ensuring sufficient cash flow for meeting your company’s commitments.

Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection
Risk Management
Business Continuity Management
Compliance Management
Information Systems Auditing
Credit Management
Riskscape Consultants
We represent a team of experts working together to help your business detect fraud, manage risks and build strategies for a volatile world
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Riskscape Consultants
We represent a team of experts working together to help your business detect fraud, manage risks and build strategies for a volatile world
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Copyright by Riskscape Consultants Limited. All rights reserved.